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Syfy Characters and Creatures

Fast drawings and sketches, most of them in paper, these are characters that I use to draw straight out of my head, mostly for fun.

Fourhorned soldier.

Fourhorned soldier.

Syfy Trooper

Syfy Trooper

Security Guard

Security Guard

Twohorned Demon soldier

Twohorned Demon soldier

Twohorned Demon soldier-Full Body

Twohorned Demon soldier-Full Body

The ''Over here'' guy.

The ''Over here'' guy.

Spikedhelmet Mask details.

Spikedhelmet Mask details.

Spikedhelmet Full body.

Spikedhelmet Full body.

The Thickpants Soldier

The Thickpants Soldier

The counting soldier.

The counting soldier.